Many people want to use Microsoft Office Accounting 2009 for free, but they don’t know how. This article is about a crack that will activate the program and make it a trial version with a 30-day expiration date.
A crack is a missing piece that breaks something into two pieces, kind of like what you do with rock candy. A specific crack may have been created for this program to allow you to use it without being charged.
The crack is most likely cracked from an illegal source. However, you can still buy the program at a discounted price, even if the program is installed with a 30 day trial period.
Although there are no viruses or anything that could harm your computer when activating Microsoft Office Accounting 2009 software, it may work with a few problems if you do not have adequate RAM and/or a slow processor.
A batch file would be a good idea for this program because you can set up a simple computer system to allow people to use it without being charged (paid). It’s not very hard because this program does not require too much speed or memory.
Another advantage of this program is that it is easy to use and must be installed on a computer with a Windows 32 bit operating system (like Windows XP). The program has lots of different functions and can help you organize your business.
1. Download the batch file from the link below:
2. Open the downloaded file and save it to your desktop (e.g., named "setup") It should be an . vbs file.
3. Open the file with Notepad for editing. If you don’t have Notepad, you can download it from Microsoft. But if you use WordPad, make sure to save the file in plain text format (.txt).
4. Change the code to your needs (e.g., use your license key):
a = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office Accounting 2009"
b = "OfficeAccounting2009_Crack_TheShowcase-mwg5pi"
c = "9999-12-31"
z = a&"\\OfficeAccounting2009_crack_the showcase. exe"
set f = fso.openTextFile(z)
f.write (c)
5. Re-name the file as setup and then save it as a . vbs file by clicking "Save as: All files (*.*)" in the dialog box shown when you click on Save in Notepad (see Figure 1):
Figure 1: dialog box to set file type
6. If you use Windows 7, right-click on the batch file and click "Run as administrator". Otherwise it won’t work.
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